Greek Proficiency Exam in Greece/Certificate of Attainment in Greek

The Centre for Greek Language (CGL) provides the proficiency certification in Greek language. The Centre for Greek language is an official body of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Greece.

International students who wish to study in Greek higher education institutions are required to demonstrate their level of command in the Greek language. International students must hold a B2 level certification in Greek language in order to enter the higher education institutions in Greece.

Greek Language Exam Certification Levels

These levels correspond to the six levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Candidates can take the Greek language exam at the following proficiency levels:
  • A1-Minimum knowledge 
  • A2 - Basic knowledge
  • B1-Intermediate knowledge
  • B2-Good knowledge
  • C1-Very good knowledge
  • C2-Excellent knowledge
For children aged 8 to 12 year, there is different A1 level exam; and for adults and adolescent, there is a separate A1 level exam.

The examination at levels A1, A2 and B1 comprises of 4 language skills- Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. 

The examination at levels B2, C1 and C2 comprises of following parts: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing, Vocabulary and Use of Greek language that emphasize on grammatical structure and syntax. 

Eligibility Criteria

For level A1: Children aged 8 to 12 are eligible to take this exam

For level A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2: Candidate’s aged 12 and above are eligible to take these level exams. 

Exam Dates

The Greek language exam for all the levels is held annually in mid- May. 

Structure of Exam

The test items of the examination are usually taken from realistic situations. Candidates are required to answer in the same way as they would have done in day-to-day situations, using the language. 

Depending on the test items-
Candidates are required to find out whether the sentence given is right or wrong, choose and match pictures with the story they listen or read, fill in the texts with right words, and link different sections of sentences. Also, they are required to write a formal or informal letter, short note, invitation or story; describe events, places or people; convey their opinion on the topic given or that are of any interest to them, in writing;  and also write a text to be published. 

Following are the sections in the Greek proficiency exam:

Listening: This section consists of recorded monologues or dialogues.

 Examination Levels Parts Duration (in minutes)   Points (in percentage)
 A1  4  25  25
 A2  4  25  25
 B1  2  25  25
 B2  2  30  20
 C1  2  40  20
 C2  2  40  20

Reading: This section consists of authentic texts.

 Examination levels  Parts  Duration (in minutes)  Points/Marking (in percentage)
 A1  4  30  25
 A2  4  30  25
 B1  4  40  25
 B2  3  45  20
 C1  4  55  20
 C2  4  55  20

Speaking: In this section, two candidates are evaluated by two evaluators. Candidates are required to respond to day-to-day situations; take part in role-play for initial level or in conversation for the more advanced levels; put forward his/her opinion on the topic given. Candidates’ interview is recorded and is forwarded to the CGL. 

 Examination levels Candidate  Examiners   Duration (in minutes) Points/Marking(percentage) 
 A1  2  2  10-12  25
 A2  2  2  12  25
 B1  2  2  12  25
 B2  2  2  15  20
 C1  2  2  20  20
 C22  2  2  20  20

Writing: In this section, candidates are required to write a short note, letter-formal or informal, story, or text. Also, candidates are required to describe a place, event or people; and express their viewpoint on the topic. 

 Examination level  Parts  Duration (in minutes)  Points/Marking (percentage)
 A1  2  40  25
 A2  2  45  25
 B1  2  55  25
 B2  2  85  20
 C1  2  100  20
 C2  2  115  20

Use of Greek language: The use of Greek language is at B2, C1 and C2 levels only. This section tests the vocabulary, grammar-morphology and syntax.

 Examination level  Duration (in minutes)  Examiners Percentage marking/points 
 B2  30  3  20
 C1  30  4  20
 C2  30  4  20

Application Procedure

Candidates who want to take this exam are required to fill in the application form and submit it along with the required fee to the examination centre authorized by Centre of Greek Language. Also, candidates must fill in questionnaire, and submit it along with the copy of valid identification document to the examination centre.

The application procedure starts in February and goes on until mid-March.

Special Arrangements

Candidates with special need are given special arrangements. The request for special arrangement must be made to the Centre of Greek Language (CGL) by the examination centre at the same time when the candidates' applications are submitted. 


Results are sent to the examination centres in late July. Results contain the skills passed or failed. The examination centre gives the result to the candidate. The examination centres receive the certificates of the successful candidates by the September-end. The examination centres give the certificates to successful candidates. 

Certificate of Attainment in Greek 

The Certificate of Attainment in Greek is issued to candidates who pass all the sections: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Also, use of Greek language for levels B1, C1 and C2. If candidate fail in one section, they fail the whole exam.
Certificate contains following classification:
  • Excellent
  • Very Good
  • Good
To know more about the Greek language exam, visit the official website of the Centre for Greek Language (CGL)
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